5 Essential Tips For Child Healthcare, How To Deal With Childhood Trauma?


Child healthcare is one of the most complex works to do. When you are blessed with a child in your family, it must be the most wonderful time of your life; you cherish that moment and enjoy your kid’s childhood in every possible way.

Child Healthcare & Dealing With The Infants

While you are raising a child, it becomes a moral duty of parents to take care of him physically, emotionally and mentally. Children’s brains develop rapidly, so we must be extra cautious in the growing years until they are mature enough to decide for themselves.

We must advise and guide them in life challenges but never force them to do anything beyond their understanding or intellect. Raising a life brings many changes in the life of people around them, especially parents; life is a continuously evolving process, so we must be very cautious while dealing with it.

Consciously taking every small decision determines the quality of life we will live, and that is how our child, who is connected with us in every possible way, will live within which they grow and learn.

Child Healthcare & Dealing With The Infants

5 Essential Tips For Child Healthcare

These days child health care is given much importance, and we are more focused on this topic than ever before; the basic needs for a child to be healthy are good food, education, vaccination on time and a healthy social and physical environment around them.

While dealing with infants, you need to be more cautious about their health & mothers’ health (especially for breastfeeding babies). Below are some mentioned tips for good child health care,

1. Eat healthy, nutritious food. 

  • The most basic and essential thing to be taken care of from an earlier stage of your life is the food you eat, how you eat it and when you eat it. During growing years, eating is the most challenging time for parents because kids tend to deviate from their sitting and do multiple tasking most of the time; they do not generally focus on what they are eating.
  • Eating time must be dedicated towards food only; parents must realize it, and they should teach them how to sit and peacefully eat their meals. Kids generally catch things from their surroundings, make a fixed time when the whole family joins in eating, and feed your kid at that time; they will slowly learn how to eat peacefully with family.
  • Let the child eat their meal. It is ok if they make a mess out of it but slowly, they will learn on their own how to eat.
  • Focus more on veggies and fruits (eating raw, especially things close to nature) is very good for building immunity. Make sure to eat fruit daily and mix them with some juices. Avoid giving snacks that are hard-cooked or junk to them. Instead of feeding them at random hours, try to fix their biological clock for the meal times, overfeeding is not good.

2. Child Hygiene: Taking Care Of Them In Their Daily Routine

  • Teaching them to be hygienic is a basic step towards child health care, how to wash hands before eating anything and afterwards. Explain the things to them. Wash their hands frequently when they touch an unknown surface, and the use of a napkin and facial mask is also helpful in preventing the spread of germs.
  • Teach and explain why they should brush twice daily, and help them keep their nails clean and cut.
  • Other important things a parent could teach their offspring are why one should bathe daily, how to keep oneself presentable and tidy, help them clean their rooms, etc.

3. Physical Activities For A Child

  • Plan their physical activities; a physically active child grows quicker in every aspect of life. We can plan various games and outdoor activities with them, which will help develop their thinking and understanding levels naturally.
  • Creative puzzle games and building blocks.
  • Walking and climbing in a special playground for kids.
  • Please help them to understand the difference between working individually and in a team. Do some group activities. Learning arts and crafts will improve their imagination level.
Child Healthcare (physical activities with a child)

4. Involve Them, Discuss With Them And Try To Solve A Situation 

  • Children can get involved in fighting and mishandling a situation, especially when they are around kids of a similar age group. Parents must look after the whole situation and help them solve the conflict rationally.
  • This is a very important thing to do with a child, you don’t always need to protect your child from the outside world, let them face the reality of their own. When you are over-protective of them, the necessary learning goes missing, they will never understand that the world does not work that way.
  • Life gives a fair chance to everyone, and we have to deal with every situation, whether it is ugly or good. Sometimes we win while sometimes we just learn.
  • Do not compare them with others, this exercise can hamper their self-confidence in the longer run, and they tend to lose the art of living freely.

5. Teach Them How To Behave And How To Handle A Situation

Self-discipline in life is an essential part of how to raise a child properly. We should teach our children how to behave; there are certain things that you can practise in your day-to-day life while raising a kid,

  • Talk to them, explain the consequences of their actions and how they handle any situation. Also, hear out, their version of understanding, we must be calm and patient while handling them in any situation.
  • Always tell them to think rationally rather than emotionally on a subject. This learning can grow in your child slowly; we can start by feeding these thoughts in the form of stories.
  • We should maintain a certain amount of limit while giving them attention. Giving over attention seems very adorable, but later it will hamper your child’s confidence when hit by the reality of life.
  • Maintain a certain degree of order and discipline while raising them. A well-disciplined child moves smoothly with life.

Taking care of a growing child is very important and one of the basic steps towards it is if the pregnancy was handled more carefully To know more about taking good care in pregnancy please click here.

Dealing With Childhood Trauma

Understanding physical and mental behaviour is very important and a cautious thing to do. Sometimes a child does not get a healthy atmosphere around him while growing years; sometimes, it can be hormonal body change. In both cases, we need to understand and act on the situation very carefully,

  • A child in his growing years can experience a mental imbalance, and there can be abrupt changes in their physical and mental health. Instead of dealing with just the symptoms, we need to evaluate the situation carefully and go into depth about it; if we need to consult the experts, do not leave it unattended. Sometimes talking to them and showing warmth and affection boosts their confidence.
  • If a child is bullied at school or maybe at their own house by elder siblings, you will notice a change in their behaviour. We must handle those situations very calmly and with a great level of understanding, help them to fight out of it, not just be overprotective and dictate your terms, let your child learn from those situations and act on them.
  • Always teach them the values of life, and let them decide what is good or bad for them. We must facilitate and guide them, not dictate to them, we need to understand that they are also human beings and let them learn in their way.
  • Teach them how to sit quietly and meditate; this can bring a great level of patience in life. Tell them to form a hobby, learn some music, painting it can be anything. These activities will make them mentally strong.
  • Teach them a very important aspect of life: how to handle yourself when you are down and out. Life is generally very harsh and dictates to you in his terms we need to be ready enough to deal with anything that it throws at us. Do not calibrate their life with winning and losing. They are just part of the process. They should learn to be content and peaceful in every situation.
  • A child learns a lot from their elders, they generally form a habit after constantly witnessing it from their parents. So set up some good examples for them, when you spend most of the time on your gadget, how can you expect them to study books?

To know and better deal with a child’s trauma you can also check this link.

Dealing With Childhood Trauma


Raising a life can be a beautiful experience for us if we do it effectively, always remember we are here to guide and facilitate them, not to burden them with our unfinished goals. Let them form their own goals and participate well in the amazing journey of this life. Sometimes child abuse and mental trauma for a child are only because they feel burdened by their parent’s expectations of them. Do not set a wrong example with your greed, let life flourish naturally.

Mansi Balodi
Mansi Balodihttps://scriptedsoul.com
My life is always on a run but I try to find time for myself to let my wisdom and knowledge help and guide you. In my blogs, I will try to demystify the complexities of topics and will connect with you with ease of understanding. So let's explore the treasure of the world with words.

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