Does urine kill an ear infection? How fascinating it may sound, or could it be an absurd statement for medical specialties? Let’s break some locks and try to find facts about the subject. Sensitive ears are prone to get infected with bacterial or viral infestation. Hilarious but true, urine has been used to treat many infections over many years, and this was prevalent across many cultures and civilizations. With the evolution of technology, we have made many advances in the medical field, and by now, we can back various facts scientifically, and the relation of urine with infection is not one of them.
Urine was treated as something therapeutic and had anti-microbial properties due to its composition. Based on this classification, it was thought to be used to treat various other ailments. However, some research says the opposite, which raises questions about efficacy and use. The different notion is that urine is highly infectious and can worsen symptoms.
Does Urine Kill an Ear Infection?

Over the years, we have been trying to find tools to live a healthy life in our nearby proximity. Will pee help an ear infection? Can you put pee in your ear? These questions came into our minds because we had nowhere else to go. Research and technology were yet to pick a pace. Over the last two decades, we made a giant leap in technology and medical science. We can proudly say at least we know something by now through our research and are eager to discover new things.
We have surpassed many such absurd facts and are much more technology-driven. Things that are being said or discovered in the medical field have a specific research background on it. Below are some points that you must know.
1. Urine is not Sterile
Due to various bacteria, urine is not sterile. The presence of bacteria in urine for healthy and ill people is actual. According to modern medical science, it can worsen an infection anywhere in the body. Still, it is believed that the presence and composition of bacteria may influence the curing of various Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).
2. It can irritate the Ear Canal
- Can you put pee in your ear? Do not try it, especially thinking that it may cure some infection. Even if it may, it could be an absurd statement. In that case, you are risking further damage to your ear.
- Our ear canal is smooth and can be irritated very easily. If we try to put our pee in our ears, it may cause inflammation and lots of discomfort.
3. Can Damage Eardrum
The urine can reach the eardrum, a membrane separating the outer ear from the middle ear, and can get permanently damaged. This can result in permanent hearing loss.
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Diagnosis with Urine

I am unsure if urine kills an ear infection, but one thing is for sure: it tells a lot about a person’s health. The color and odor of urine have much pathological use for determining various irregularities within the human system. Often, the diagnosis may not be absolute, but it is essential to understand its limitations. Below are some health conditions we can determine by urine sample,
1. Urinary Tract Infection
Testing a urine sample for Urinary Tract infection can be a good idea, as it is easy to determine White Blood Cells WBCs and other markers for a UTI in urine.
2. Liver Infection
Bilirubin, a compound produced by the liver, and its percentage in urine can determine an infection.
3. Diabetic Condition
Sometimes, it is advised to determine blood sugar levels through a urine test. However, it may follow with some blood tests.
Urine in Wound Healing

The therapeutic nature of urine was prevalent across various cultures. In this section, I will explain some of the benefits of urine in treating wounds. They are anecdotal and are not backed by any scientific result.
Antibacterial Properties
- According to a belief, urine mainly consists of urea and uric acid, which are potent to reduce infection by controlling bacteria’s growth.
- Modern science says the opposite of it. We should apply some antiseptic after cleaning the wound to reduce further deterioration.
Speedup Healing
- Urine spread over the wound may speed up the healing as it is enriched with some growth factors.
- Modern science says that rather than wasting time and energy on such things, get proper consultation.
- A medical term that ensures the removal of dead (necrotic) or infected skin and speeds up wound healing.
Stem Cell Therapy with Urine
- Stem cell therapy is a unique and promising field of research that utilizes the unique properties of stem cells that deal with the repair, replacement, and regeneration of damaged cells, tissues, or organs of the body.
- Urine might contain cells that are shed from the urinary tract of the body. That may include epithelial cells and some stem cells, too.
- Studies have suggested the presence of stem cells in urine is often limited in number and potency if we compare it to bone marrow and umbilical cord.
Besides this, the use of stem cells that are found in urine faces many other challenges. They are,
1. Quantity and Quality
- It is difficult to derive the therapeutic uses of urine as the quantity of stem cells is very low compared to bone marrow or umbilical cord.
- The quality and potency of stem cells might be of a different level when it is derived from other sources.
2. Ethical Concerns
- It can give rise to some ethical questions and may be subjected to regulatory restrictions.
- If the extraction or use involves invasive procedures or manipulating human cells.
3. Purity and Contamination
- This can be one of the biggest concerns while utilizing urine for stem cell extraction.
- During extraction, it can be contaminated with other substances or cells. It will have an impact on the efficacy of the procedure.
Benefits of Urine Derived Stem Cells (USCT)
Deriving stem cells from urine has gained some limelight as it possesses many health benefits. We should be aware of the fact that many studies are in their early stages for now, and we are still looking for something concrete on it. There are still some benefits of urine-derived stem cells (USCT).
1. Non-Invasive
- Urine can be easily collected without any surgical procedure being done on the body, which can make it an attractive source of stem cells.
- Extracting stem cells from bone marrow or umbilical cord can involve a surgical invasion, which can bring discomfort and pain.
2. Abundance
Unlike other resources, urine is available in abundance. However, it has relatively low stem cells as compared to other options. The ease of collection could compensate for the limitation.
3. Patient-Specific
- Urine Derived Stem Cell therapy is patient-driven. Stem cells derived from a patient’s urine can be used for personal treatment.
- This can reduce immune rejection since they would be the patient’s cells.
4. Therapeutic Application
- Various ongoing research is exploring the exact potential of stem cells that are derived from urine.
- The therapeutic use of stem cells is in tissue regeneration and treatment of specific injuries.
Webstory on “Does Urine Kill an Ear Infection”
In this blog, we have tried to shed some light on an exciting topic: “Does Urine Kill an Ear Infection? “It has been an old saying by now, as many believe that urine can cure infections. As a firm believer in modern science, I advise you not to do such activities because they may deteriorate your condition. If you are still in a dilemma, I suggest you not rely on unproven facts and seek proper medical attention. A doctor or expert in healthcare will guide you in handling the infection by prescribing antibiotics, ear drops, etc.
FAQs on “Does Urine Kill an Ear Infection“
There is no scientific evidence to support the fact that urine helps ear infections. It can happen due to bacteria or viruses attacking the ear, which can lead to inflammation and fluid buildup in the middle ear. A healthcare expert can prescribe antibiotics and painkillers in case of a bacterial attack. Sometimes, an ear drop is also suggested to neutralize the infections. On the other hand, using urine in ear infections is a strict no as it is not supported by medical science. Always see a doctor to address such types of issues.
It can cause problems if you decide to use urine for earache. First, it is not proven in any scientific studies, and second, there is no medical evidence. An infection, fluid buildup, and issues of the ear canal mainly cause earaches. Doctors will recommend you with an antibiotic, painkillers, or eardrops. No one is going to prescribe urine as a medicine.
There are various ways to counter an ear infection. We should start by finding the cause behind the infection, as it can be bacterial or viral. In case of bacterial infection, prescribed antibiotics can work. Painkillers may be advised to narrow down the pain and discomfort. Ear drops minimize inflammation and alleviate pain. We can try a few things at home by using a heating pad or a warm, damp cloth on the affected ear. This will give us relief from the pain and discomfort of the ear pain.