We have been caught up in a situation where our progress seems to challenge our survival. Over the years, we have noticed many deformities in our bodies, primarily because of our eating habits, bizarre lifestyle changes, and growing sedentary styles of living. In this blog, we will be addressing some concerns about diabetes, which has become a challenge for people living across the globe. Nowadays, people generally seem concerned and extra cautious about picking up any possible sign of an underlying disease, and eventually panic. What Does Diabetic Poop Smell Like is another symptom that is frequently searched on the internet, and after going through this blog, you will feel much more informed about some of the symptoms of diabetes.
What Does Diabetic Poop Smell Like

Diabetes has spread its deadly wings over human survival. Most medical and research facilities across the globe are trying to find a possible solution for the widespread disease. A fact that has been stated earlier in this blog shows that over 8 million Americans are undiagnosed with diabetes. This can be one of the causes people try to relate their symptoms with the diseases and try to find the literature over the Internet.
We will be answering one of the most intriguing questions associated with the disease, “What Does Diabetic Poop Smell Like”. Below are some of the facts that can satisfy the query.
Fact 1: It has been seen when a person has diabetes, it is doubtful that the odor of the poop changes. However, individuals with uncontrolled diabetes may experience some gastrointestinal issues that can impact the odor of poop.
Fact 2: When a person is suffering from high blood sugar, they can develop a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or hyperglycemia. During this condition, the patient may experience frequent urination, dehydration, and, in some cases, fruity-smelling breath, which is due to the presence of ketones. If this condition persists, the patient may experience gastrointestinal disorders, leading to diarrhea or a change in stool odor.
Fact 3: When a patient has very high blood sugar, which has impacted their gastrointestinal health, then the changed odor of poop can potentially be characterized by a more acidic or unusual smell.
Fact 4: There are chances when a person has diabetes, their poop may smell fruity or odd due to the presence of ketones or blood sugar. This happens because the body breaks fat for energy instead of using glucose and producing ketones as a byproduct. Ketones smell sweet and can be described as smelling like a nail polish remover.
Must Read: Is Sea Moss Good for Diabetes?
Webstory on “What Does Diabetic Poop Smell Like? Unlocking the Mystery”
Is Sweet Smelling Poop a Sign of Diabetes

To educate you about different signs that can predict if you have diabetes or not. In the same context, we will answer one more intriguing question which people are likely to check, “Is Sweet Smelling Poop a Sign of Diabetes. “Below are some answers to address the issue.
A. Involvement of Ketones or Blood Sugar
There are chances when the odor of poop might change due to ketones or blood sugar. It is not a universal symptom, which can depend on various other factors, including medication, dietary change, infections, and gastrointestinal issues.
B. Medication to Control High Blood Pressure
If you are on a medication for treating high blood pressure, stool consistency can change. The medication can change how your body uses salt and water and cause electrolytic imbalance.
C. Due to Antibiotics Intake
Many types of bacteria are present in our gut. Certain antibiotics can kill gut bacteria, leading to an overgrowth of other bacteria that produce smelly gases.
Webstory on “Is Sweet Smelling Poop a Sign of Diabetes“
Some Threatening Facts About Diabetes in the USA

- Over 9.3% of the population of the country have Diabetes, which is estimated at 37.3 million people.
- With the growing cases of Diabetes, it is also the 7th leading cause of death in the country.
- The rising cases of Diabetes are a challenge for medical facilities as over 8.8 million people are not even diagnosed. They do not even know they have the disease.
- Deadly type 2 diabetes accounts for 90-95% of all diagnosed cases.
Types of Diabetes and its Causes

The growing cases of Diabetes have alerted many medical and research facilities. We cannot find a drug or vaccine that can prevent it at any stage. This disease is the inability of the body to regulate sugar levels in the blood. The main reason behind this can be the ineffectiveness of insulin, which is a hormone secreted by the pancreas. The different types of Diabetes and their possible causes are,
Type 1 Diabetes
It is an autoimmune condition when the body’s immune system destroys the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. More studies are required to find out why we get infected by it. Some of the reasons can be genetic predisposition and environmental factors like viral infections and certain autoimmune conditions.
Type 2 Diabetes
This is the most common form of disease and is often associated with genetics, insulin resistance, and lifestyle factors. Some of the risk factors include obesity, poor diet (high junk or processed food), family history, sedentary lifestyle, and advancing age.
Gestational Diabetes
During pregnancy, women’s bodies may demand extra insulin as this can be one of the hormonal changes they may experience. When the body fails to satisfy the increased demand, chances may rise that the mother and child may get infected from Diabetes, and after birth, this condition might improve.
Webstory on “Diabetes 101: Types of Diabetes and Symptoms“
Signs of Diabetes
Diabetes as a disease has spread its deathly wings over humanity. Our lifestyle, eating habits, and genetic changes proved to be significant causes of the outbreak of the disease. Countries like the United States are becoming the diabetic capital of the world as cases have been increasing at a rapid rate. According to a study, most people are not even diagnosed with diabetes, and they are living with it. The disease can be controlled if we can detect it in its early stages. Proper medication and lifestyle changes that make us stay away from being sedentary can help us control the disease.
Here are some signs of diabetes that can help us to be cautious and alert about it.
1. Frequent Urination
- This phenomenon is also called Polyuria, which is a condition when the patient will urinate frequently.
- Urination can be a defence mechanism of our body. Blood has to be filtered by the kidney. When blood has a high level of sugar, the body tends to flush the increased levels out of the body through urination.
2. Unexplained Weight Loss
- It is a well-documented fact that people start overeating to combat hunger during diabetes.
- With overeating, the weight should go up, but it starts falling as the body cannot break sugar properly for energy generation. It starts breaking down fat and muscle tissues for energy.
3. Excessive Thirst
- During diabetes, excessive urination can lead to dehydration, which may lead to excessive thirst than usual.
- There is a persistent feeling to drink more water than usual during diabetes.
- This phenomenon is known as Polydipsia.
4. Increased Hunger
- Strangely, diabetes can increase the appetite, and this is because of insulin resistance in the body or because the body is unable to utilize glucose for energy properly.
- This phenomenon is known as Polyphagia.
5. Blurry Vision
- One of the possible early signs of diabetes is blurred vision. This is because high blood sugar levels can change the shape of the lens.
- If the high blood sugar is controlled, then this condition will go away.
6. Fatigue and Weakness
Body cells are not able to generate proper energy from blood glucose, which can result in weakness and fatigue.
Answering Some General Concerns

Cases of diabetes are widespread these days. It is more of a lifestyle disease, so fear among people is more compared to other deadly diseases. Commonly, you may have undiagnosed diabetes, which can cause a panic situation, and people might search for absurd things over the internet like “What Does Diabetic Poop Smell Like.” It is recommended to see a healthcare expert to get yourself checked instead of wobbling and panicking over unusual facts. We will try to answer some of the significant concerns floating over the internet.
Does Diabetic Poop Smell Different
Various factors can determine the odor of poop, like diet, medication, and underlying health conditions. However, there is not any specific and distinct smell which is associated with diabetic poop. Various other possible reasons have already been discussed in the blog, such as:
- Gastrointestinal issues that may happen due to high blood glucose.
- Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) can cause fruity-smelling breath, which may or may not impact the poop odor.
Does Insulin Make Your Poop Smell
It is doubtful that insulin can affect the poop smell. It is a hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates blood sugar levels by allowing cells to absorb glucose for energy.
- When someone has diabetes, the body burns fat for energy instead of glucose. This reaction produces ketones.
- Ketones have a sweet smell, often described as acetone or nail polish remover.
- See a doctor and get yourself checked if you are experiencing the issue. It is recommended.
Through this blog, we have tried o answer some of the fascinating questions that we come across, like “What Does Diabetic Poop Smell Like.” The crux is to see a healthcare expert and check yourself. If you have a family history of diabetes, I recommend you get checked twice a year at least. Instead of getting panicked and relating to all these absurd symptoms, practice a healthy lifestyle, eat lots of fiber, and do some physical activities throughout the day.
It is doubtful that poop changes much in the case of diabetes. It is often not considered a symptom associated with it. However, there may be gastrointestinal discomfort that can shift the bowel movements. We can experience diarrhea due to high blood sugar. Water content in the intestine increases as the body attempts to expel excess glucose through stool. In some cases, high blood sugar can cause complications in the pancreas, which might affect digestion and cause absorption of fat, which can result in greasy or oily stool.
Smelly poop is associated with an underlying health disorder. A robust foul odor that persists over time indicates a digestive disorder. The sweet or fruity smell of poop is related to uncontrolled diabetes. We can expect a gastrointestinal disorder if the poop smell is strong and offensive. A fishy smell is associated with problems with fat digestion. The strange smell of ammonia can suggest a kidney disorder.
The term “diabetic belly” is a fancy term that doesn’t refer to a medical condition but is often associated with a distended abdomen, which is associated with diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is often associated with weight gain and obesity, which can increase belly fat. People with diabetes often witness insulin resistance, because of which the glucose is not processed effectively. This results in fat deposition around the belly area, often called a diabetic belly.
There has been no specific color change of stool if we witness diabetic diarrhea. The stool color or odor difference is considered a symptom of an underlying disease or nothing if it is not happening periodically. The green Color is due to the rapid movement of stool inside the intestine, which causes it to spend less time in the colon. However, it should go away and can be due to mere gastrointestinal discomfort. Yellow represents an increased amount of fat in stool. The black color indicates bleeding in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract.
In some cases, when the person who has diabetes has high blood sugar, the body wants to balance by throwing it out in urine. This condition might be termed “sweet-smelling urine.” In this case, the odor of urine is similar to that of ripe apples. However, this is not absolute in every condition. Sometimes, it can be due to other factors like diet, hydration levels, and medication.
Yes, eating a lot of sugar can do a lot of things, and changes in texture and smell of poop are one of them. Sugar will alter your bowel movements and can trigger them unnecessarily. It can also cause an imbalance in the gut bacteria growth which can result in smelly poop. Further, it can cause diarrhea and other digestive issues, which can result in a change in the texture and odor of feces.
These are the essential signs that we should monitor while going to the toilet. One is frequent urination. The phenomenon is also known as Polyuria. When a patient has to urinate more frequently than usual, it is because the kidney filters out the blood, which has a high glucose content. As a defense mechanism of the body, it wants to throw out the excess sugar through urine. The second is the sweet smell in urine. When blood glucose is high, the kidney might not reabsorb it and flush it out in urine. This will give a sweet, fruity smell to the urine.
The buoyancy of stool cannot be an indicator of diabetes. Stool texture, consistency, and buoyancy depend on various other factors like hydration level and dietary habits.
Having diabetes does not necessarily mean you poop more often, but it certainly changes your bowel habits. When discussing the effects of diabetes on gastrointestinal health, one can suffer from diarrhea as the blood sugar damages nerves in the digestive system, which causes faster food motion through the gut, resulting in frequent loose motion.
Reducing blood sugar depends on many factors, the most important being determining the severity and underlying health conditions. For blood sugar levels above 250 mg/dL, we need to seek immediate medical help, especially if the patient has type 1 diabetes or suspects diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Use prescribed medicine for a quick recovery. Combine it with a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and regular exercise.
High blood sugar is broadly classified under type 1 & 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse type 1 diabetes because, in this case, the pancreas no longer produces insulin. With type 2 diabetes, it is possible to achieve remission, meaning blood sugar can reach non-diabetic levels. Even then, the patient is not termed ‘cured’ as there is a possibility to get diabetic again. This all means getting free from diabetes is difficult, but managing it effectively can be a possibility.
It depends. Occasionally, strong-smelling poop is not concerning as it can happen due to any dietary change and is necessarily not considered a symptom. If other persistent symptoms accompany it, like fever, cramps, and bloody stool, getting it checked with a doctor is recommended. Strong smell can be associated with an infection, food intolerance, digestive disorders, and malabsorption.